The first round had the men running across the stage in search of their partner’s “hole” to stick their toilet cleaners in. Once the toilet paper was transferred onto their “stick” they had to run back across stage and drop the paper into the basket. Afterwards, there were a series of questions for both sexes to answer leading up to an elimination round. The second game involved some balloon popping with a side of some hip thrusting. Let’s just say there were a lot of balloons popped that night. Finishing the first part of the show two guys walked away with a date and one unfortunately walked home solo.
From the food to the crowd, Latin
American Student Association is a very diverse club filled with an audience
that seems to love to have a good time. The music made any amateur want to dance and the
food was beyond delectable; provided by Niagara Café, one of Buffalo’s best known Puerto Rican
restaurants. LASA (Latin American Student Association) holds Latin Socials weekly in the Flag room in Student Union every Tuesday at 8 p.m. and general body meetings every Thursday at 5 p.m.